DEC 6-7-8-9-10
Ana Raquel Grassi was born in the fifties under Aquarium sign, she is native of Porto Alegre , Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ana Raquel started her artistic life in the beginning of the 70’s, during the hippie movement.
Ana Raquel worked with psychedelic paints in leather purses, belts and jewelry during the 70’s . In ’73 and ‘74 she attended the Instituto de Artes in Porto Alegre, Brazil. During the 80’s she moved to Paris, where she kept in touch with European artists and experimented with techniques in collage and painting at the Sorbonne University Once she was back in Brazil, she began her stylist career, creating belts and purses under the brand Cia&Cia; using metals in leather works and watercolor paintings over silk. In the United States, between 2002 and 2006, Ana Raquel perfected many painting techniques at the Valter Morais Art Studio Gallery, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Ana Raquel Grassi participated in expositions in Florida , California and Chicago, showing abstract paintings on canvas with mixed techniques for the American market. Her work could be find in California and Florida’s galleries, as well in Brazilian cities. Nowadays, she keep in touch and interchanges with European artists. While visiting the region of Costa Malfitana and the city of Positano in Italy, she expanded her knowledge and developed special dying techniques with different pigments along with local artist and stylist Peppe Di Martini. This experience inspired her to create a collection with natural fiber, a collection of light clothes very characteristic of that Italian region. This collection can be found at the Art Studio Ana R Grassi, located at Rua Prof. Fitzgerald, 155, Bairro Bela Vista, in Porto Alegre,Brazil, in the American website EBay and in the following stores:
Moveis Masotti, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Gama Concept, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Ana R Grassi has participated in the following expositions:
Universidade de Pelotas RS/BR 2001.
Espaço de Arte Caixa Econômica Federal Porto Alegre/ RS / BR 2002.
XVI Festival de Arte Cidade de Porto Alegre Porto Alegre/ RS/ BR 2002.
Art Connection Fort Lauderdale FL/Florida .USA 2002.
Café do Porto Porto Alegre /RS 2003.
Galeria Valter Moraes Coral Gables/ Florida USA 2003.
Art Connection Fort Lauderdale/ FL/ USA 2003.
Casa De Cultura Rio Pardo Rio Pardo/ RS/BR 2003.
Espaço de Art Banco do Brasil Montevideo. Montevideo / Uruguai. 2003.
Arte Studio Valter Moraes Fort Lauderdale/ FL/ USA 2004.
Art Connection Fort Lauderdale/ FL/ USA 2004.
Arte Studio Valter Moraes Fort Lauderdale/ FL/USA 2005.
Mulas Y Pedrosa Art Gallery/ Barcelona / Espanha/ 2005.
Villa Del Arte Gallerie/ Barcelona / Espanha/ 2006.
Galeria João Moura Búzios/ RJ/ BR 2006.
Galeria Antin/ Sitges / Barcelona/Espanha 2007.
Galeria Maeght/ Barcelona/ Espanha 2008.
Galeria Palma/ Sitges/ Barcelona/ Espanha 2009.
Assembléia Legislativa Porto Alegre/ RS / BR 2010.
Casa Côr 2012 Porto Alegre/ RS/ BR 2012.
Casa Côr 2013 Porto Alegre/ RS/ BR 2013.
Casa Côr 2014 Porto Alegre/ RS/ BR 2014.
Casa Côr 2015 Porto Alegre/ RS/ BR 2015.
Teller Estudio Carmem Nicolas / Sitges/ Espanha 2016.
ArtExpo NY / New York / NY / USA 2016.
Art Design Gallery / Miami / Florida / USA / 2017.
Art Design Gallery / Miami / Florida / USA / 2018.
ExpoArtSP Feira de Art Sao Paulo / Brasil/2018.
ExpoArtSP Feira de Art Sao Paulo / Brasil/2018.
Art Design Gallery / Miami / Florida / USA / 2018.
Expo Art SP Feira de Art Sao Paulo / Brasil/2019.
Art Design Gallery / Miami / Florida / USA / 2017.


Acrylic on canvas. 100 c.m. x 100 c.m.
Acrylic on canvas. 100 c.m. x 100 c.m.

Mixed media on canvas. 43 c.m. x 43 c.m.

Acrylic on canvas. 120 c.m. x 100 c.m.

Acrylic on canvas. 180 c.m. x 150 c.m.

Measurements: ABSTRACTO

Artista y Curadora de Arte de Brasil, en coperacion con la Galeria DVictoria Fine Art Miami para ferias de Arte Internacional, Art Expo New York 2021 con participacion especial de Artistas Brasileros Porto Alegre con la Galeria Gravura como invitados especial.
Mencionamos la importante presencia de Gravura Galeria de Arte de Brasil y su directora Regina Galbinisky Teitelbaum.